SSH UDP Tunneling Service

SSH UDP is Custom Secure SSH Tunnel with UDP protocol Active for 7 days with fast server connection and also support Badvpn UDPGW for VoIP.

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About SSH UDP Tunneling Service

SSH UDP Custom is custom SSH tunneling over the UDP protocol. Created by the Epro Dev Team and for now only supports the HTTP Custom app on Android. SSH tunneling, also known as SSH port forwarding, is a technique used to secure and encrypt network connections by creating a secure tunnel between a local and remote machine over an untrusted network, typically the Internet. It allows you to securely transmit data between two endpoints while protecting the information from being intercepted or tampered with by unauthorized parties.

SSH tunneling works by encapsulating network traffic within an encrypted SSH connection. It leverages the secure shell (SSH) protocol, which is commonly used for remote login and command execution on remote machines. With SSH tunneling, you can extend the functionality of SSH beyond just remote shell access to securely forward other network services.

There are three main types of SSH tunneling:

  1. Local Port Forwarding: This type allows you to forward a local port on your machine to a remote server. Any traffic directed to the local port is encrypted and sent over the SSH connection to the remote server, which then forwards the traffic to the specified destination. Local port forwarding is useful when accessing services on a remote network that are not directly accessible from your local machine.
  2. Remote Port Forwarding: In this case, you forward a port on the remote server to a local machine. Traffic directed to the remote port is encrypted and sent over the SSH connection to the remote server, which then forwards the traffic to the specified destination on your local machine. Remote port forwarding is handy when you want to expose a service running on a remote server to your local machine.
  3. Dynamic Port Forwarding (SSH SOCKS Proxy): This type establishes a dynamic SOCKS proxy on your local machine. Instead of forwarding a specific port, it sets up a general-purpose proxy server that can be used to tunnel various types of network traffic. By configuring your applications to use the SSH SOCKS proxy, you can route their traffic through the encrypted SSH connection to the remote server and access resources on remote networks securely.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a communication protocol that operates at the transport layer of the Internet Protocol (IP) suite. It is a connectionless and lightweight protocol that provides a simple way to send datagrams (packets) over an IP network. UDP is an alternative to the more reliable but heavier TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).

Here are some key characteristics of UDP:

  1. Connectionless: UDP is connectionless, meaning it does not establish a persistent connection between the sender and receiver before transmitting data. Each UDP datagram is treated independently and can take a different path to reach its destination. This lack of connection setup overhead makes UDP faster and more lightweight than TCP.
  2. Unreliable: Unlike TCP, UDP does not provide mechanisms for error checking, acknowledgment, retransmission, or flow control. It does not guarantee that packets will be delivered successfully or in the correct order. If a packet is lost or corrupted during transmission, UDP does not attempt to recover it. This makes UDP suitable for applications where real-time data delivery is more important than reliability, such as streaming media, online gaming, or DNS (Domain Name System) lookups.
  3. Datagram-oriented: UDP treats data as individual datagrams, each with its own header containing source and destination port numbers, as well as checksum information. It preserves the boundaries of application-level messages, so the receiving application can retrieve the complete message without additional parsing.
  4. Low overhead: UDP has minimal overhead compared to TCP. It does not require maintaining a connection state or managing congestion control algorithms, making it suitable for scenarios where efficiency and speed are more critical than reliability.
  5. Broadcast and multicast support: UDP supports broadcasting, where a single UDP packet can be sent to all devices on a network. It also supports multicast, where a packet can be sent to multiple specified destinations simultaneously.

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